Support to socio-economic empowerment of youth and encourage the children for their education and promoting programs to build their self confidence too.


45% of the world’s internet users are below the age of 25, Less than 6% of the parliamentarians globally are under 35 years old. More than 600 million youth live in fragile and conflict-affected countries and territories. Within the next decade, the world population is projected to increase by over 400 million, posing additional pressures on the labour markets in developing countries, where about 85% of youth live.

Global Statistics

  • 1 in 3 students reports being cyberbullies and 20% report skipping school because of the same reason or violence.
  • 2 in 3 students in 160 countries worry about violence in around the schools.
  • Reading scores and bullying are directly correlated.
  • Schools with positive school climate practices have lower rates of absenteeism and bullying.


Improves the access of quality education, vital health services, and positive youth development for young people around the country. Lions Quest & LCIF’s signature youth education program is a social emotional learning curriculum which gives students the skills to navigate life and prevent bullying and substance abuse.

Our Strategy

Support to socio-economic empowerment of youth. Encourage the children for their education and promoting programs like lions quest to build the self confidence via developing skills such as Problem-solving and decision-making, Problem-solving and decision-making, Critical thinking and creativity, Ability to work in a team environment, Communications skills with people inside and outside an organisation, Leadership and the ability to effectively motivate others and Strong work ethic and perseverance.