Whenever and wherever disaster strikes, Lions are often among the first to offer aid.
Between 2000 and 2012, natural disasters caused USD 1.7 trillion in damage and affected 2.9 billion people. The main causes for the natural disasters are Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Floods and Wildfires. Floods are the most widespread natural disaster of the country.
When natural disasters strike, Lions are among the first to offer help. With a disaster grant, we can do even more for communities devastated by hurricanes, floods, fires and other major events. LCIF offers a variety of grant options to support various stages of disaster relief operations.
Whenever and wherever disaster strikes, coordinating with LCIF to get their funding assistance for our contributions and promote the disaster relief programs. The strategies apply for the community will be remain calm and reassuring, acknowledge and normalise their feelings, strengthen children’s friendship and peer support and take care of their own needs..etc;